Category: Fairy Tales

The Adventures of Chanticleer and Partlet

From the Brothers Grimm Fairytales 1. HOW THEY WENT TO THE MOUNTAINS TO EAT NUTS ‘The nuts are quite ripe now,’ said Chanticleer to his wife Partlet, ‘suppose we go together to the mountains, and eat as many as we can, before the squirrel takes...

Cat and Mouse in Partnership

From the Brothers Grimm Fairytales A certain cat had made the acquaintance of a mouse, and had said so much to her about the great love and friendship she felt for her, that at length the mouse agreed that they should live and keep house...

The Frog Prince

From the Brothers Grimm Fairytales One fine evening a young princess put on her bonnet and clogs, and went out to take a walk by herself in a wood; and when she came to a cool spring of water, that rose in the midst of...

The Willow-Wren and the Bear

From the Brothers Grimm Fairytales Once in summer-time the bear and the wolf were walking in the forest, and the bear heard a bird singing so beautifully that he said: ‘Brother wolf, what bird is it that sings so well?’ ‘That is the King of...

The Fisherman and his Wife

From the Brothers Grimm Fairytales There was once a fisherman who lived with his wife in a pigsty, close by the seaside. The fisherman used to go out all day long a-fishing; and one day, as he sat on the shore with his rod, looking...

The Twelve Dancing Princesses

From the Brothers Grimm Fairytales There was a king who had twelve beautiful daughters. They slept in twelve beds all in one room; and when they went to bed, the doors were shut and locked up; but every morning their shoes were found to be...

The Dog and the Sparrow

From the Brothers Grimm Fairytales A shepherd’s dog had a master who took no care of him, but often let him suffer the greatest hunger. At last he could bear it no longer; so he took to his heels, and off he ran in a...

Briar Rose

From the Brothers Grimm Fairytales A king and queen once upon a time reigned in a country a great way off, where there were in those days fairies. Now this king and queen had plenty of money, and plenty of fine clothes to wear, and...

The Straw, the Coal, and the Bean

From the Brothers Grimm Fairytales In a village dwelt a poor old woman, who had gathered together a dish of beans and wanted to cook them. So she made a fire on her hearth, and that it might burn the quicker, she lighted it with...

Old Sultan

From the Brothers Grimm Fairytales A shepherd had a faithful dog, called Sultan, who was grown very old, and had lost all his teeth. And one day when the shepherd and his wife were standing together before the house the shepherd said, ‘I will shoot...