Mia does not feel well

Mia woke up feeling groggy and tired. Her head was pounding, and her throat was scratchy and sore. She knew what that meant – she was getting sick. Mia’s mom checked her temperature and confirmed that she had a fever.

“Looks like we need to stay home today,” her mom said. “But don’t worry, we’ll take care of you.”

Mia felt a little better knowing her mom was there to take care of her, but she still felt pretty awful. Her mom gave her some medicine, telling her that it would help her feel better.

Mia didn’t like taking medicine. It tasted yucky and made her feel even more sick to her stomach. But her mom told her that the medicine would help her get better faster, so she decided to take it anyway.

After taking her medicine, Mia snuggled up in bed and closed her eyes. She didn’t feel much better right away, but after a little while, she started to feel a little less achy and her fever began to go down.

Over the next few days, Mia continued to take her medicine as directed, and she started to feel much better. Her throat stopped hurting, and her head no longer throbbed. She could even play outside again with her friends.

Mia learned that taking medicine when you’re sick isn’t always easy, but it’s important to do so that you can feel better. She knew that she didn’t want to be sick for longer than she had to, so she made sure to take her medicine on time and as directed by her mom.

And from that day on, whenever Mia was feeling under the weather, she knew that taking her medicine would help her feel better faster. She still didn’t like the taste of medicine, but she knew it was worth it to get back to feeling like herself again.


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