Lila and her lost dog

Lila couldn’t believe her eyes as she saw the open gate in front of her. It was a windy day, and the gate had slammed shut earlier, but she had been sure to check that it was securely locked. She had even double-checked it before she went inside to grab a drink. Her heart started racing as she realized that her dog, Max, was nowhere to be found.

Lila searched the entire neighborhood, calling Max’s name over and over again, but there was no sign of him. She put up flyers and went door to door asking if anyone had seen him, but nobody had.

Days turned into weeks, and Lila felt like she was in a daze. Max had been her constant companion since she was six years old, and she didn’t know how to live without him. She missed his wagging tail, his warm fur, and the way he would always curl up beside her at night.

One day, as Lila was walking home from school, she heard barking in the distance. She knew Max’s bark anywhere, and she started running as fast as she could towards the sound. When she turned the corner, she saw Max, dirty and thin, but still wagging his tail as he saw her.

Lila scooped Max up in her arms, tears streaming down her face. She had never been so happy in her life. She didn’t know where Max had been or how he had survived, but she didn’t care. All that mattered was that he was back with her where he belonged.

From that day forward, Lila made sure to double-check the gate every time she left the house. She never wanted to lose Max again.

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